Tõhus Floslek arnika näokreem-geel Forte on näonaha tooni ühtustav geel, mis niisutab ja toidab nahka ning muudab selle ühtlaseks, helendab ja rahustab punaseid laike, vistrikuarme, ärritunud ja allergilist nahka. Põhineb kõrge kontsentratsiooniga arnika ekstraktil, mis on kombineeritud Troxerutini ja acerola ekstraktiga, mis ahendab ja tugevdab kapillaare. Regulaarsel kasutamisel ühtlustab naha tooni (vähendab nähtavalt verevalumeid). 0% parabeene, värvaineid, lõhnaaineid, allergeene. Dermatoloogiliselt testitud, oftalmoloogiliselt testitud.
- Travel products (31)
- Vegan (333)
- Mineral cosmetics (15)
- Home (14)
- Hobi (41)
- Korea kosmeetika (67)
- Products that do not cause allergies (3)
- Erotic cosmetics and perfumes (0)
- Nature cosmetics (246)
- Health (72)
- Perfumes (119)
- Accessories, Jewelry, Clothes (118)
Hair (1528)
- Shampoos (213)
- balms (135)
- HAIR CARE 1-5.- (58)
- Oils and serums (152)
- Masks and care products (257)
- Thinning and Hair Loss, Fine hair (206)
- Damaged hair (295)
- Colored hair (247)
- Unruly hair (98)
- Anti-dandruff, Dry scalp, Sensitive scalp (83)
- Dry hair (216)
- Dry shampoos (6)
- All hair types (150)
- Curly hair (37)
- Oily scalp (30)
- Deep clean (34)
- Finishing (122)
- Hair dyes for home users (203)
- Grey hair (12)
Face care (1793)
- Nose patches (13)
- Näohooldus 1-5.- (59)
- cream (89)
- anti-wrinkle (29)
- Skin care for children (0)
- Meik (398)
- Masks (197)
- Cleansers (271)
- Serums and essences (159)
- Oils (24)
- Night creams (54)
- Oil and absorbing tissues (4)
- Specific care scars (6)
- Eye creams (163)
- Lip care (21)
- Moisturizing products (290)
- Vitiligo (1)
- Reddened skin and cuperose (85)
- Antiageing care (311)
- Neck ja decollete care (33)
- Skin with pigmentation (65)
- For acne skin (184)
- Dry skin (142)
- Normaalsele nahale (30)
- Combination skin (72)
- Mesoteraapia (12)
- Eyelash and brow serums (14)
- Eyelash and brow permanent colors (14)
- Cell renewal, Scrubs (96)
- All skin types (110)
- Oily skin (113)
- Sensitive skin (139)
- Body care (858)
- Nails (235)
- Accessories (121)
- Beard care (73)
- Special offers (123)
- For kids (101)
- Samples (1)
Ingredients (211)
- Green Tea (3)
- Aloe Vera (23)
- Collagen (24)
- Keratin (33)
- Liposomes (5)
- Vitamin C (9)
- Ensüümid (4)
- Teolima (0)
- CAVIAR (2)
- Allantoin (0)
- UREA (13)
- AHA-happed (8)
- Tea Tree (5)
- Kaoliin (0)
- ZINK (1)
- Camillen (1)
- Argan Oil (20)
- CALENDULA Saialill (0)
- Glükoolhape (8)
- Q10 (3)
- Coconut (3)
- Salicylic Acid (9)
- Jojoba oil (0)
- Glycerin (2)
- Retinol (3)
- Mandelic acid (0)
- For professional use (143)
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